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Planning Board Minutes 11/18/2010
November 18, 2010 Meeting
#2010-08PB TC Storage/Rosario Expansion of an existing mini-storage business

Members & Staff Present:
Diane Chauncey (Staff)    David Dubois (Member) Jesse Lazar (Member)       Peter Moore (Planner)                  Andrew Robblee (Member)  Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)    CR Willeke (Chair)               Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)
Member & Staff Absent:  
Joe Koziell (Member)   Stephen Schacht (Alternate)  

Public Attendees:
Carol Rosario (T/C Storage)
Tony Rosario  (T/C  Storage)
Ben Pratt (representing Maple Wood Cemetery)

7:00 Review Period:

·       Appoint alternates to sit for absent members – not necessary
·       Review the Minutes of November 4 meeting

Public Meeting - #2010-08PB – Application request of Carole & Anthony Rosario – T/C Storage Enterprise, LLC for a Major Site Plan Review for expansion of existing mini-storage business on Contoocook Valley Avenue (Tax Map 232, Lot 057), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Highway Business District.

Chair Willeke opened the meeting, introduced himself and asked the other Board Members and Staff to introduce themselves. Ms. Chauncey read the Public Notice.

Chair Willeke asked the Rosarios to present their proposal.

Ms. Rosario said that the additional buildings would be similar to the other buildings although smaller. The carport will be behind Building #4. These would be the last of the buildings that would be built on the existing prepared site.

The Rosarios had a well-prepared application.

Mr. Robblee motioned to accept the application of case #2010-08PB. Mr. Webber seconded the motion. The Board voted to accept the application.

Public Hearing:

Chair Willeke noted that there were no public attendees other than the Rosarios to speak in favor or opposition to the proposal. Ms. Rosario said that she was in favor of the proposal.

The Public Hearing was closed.


The Board members reviewed the Major Site Plan Review checklist, line by line. Items that were not satisfied were discussed, waivers noted, and items which needed waivers were voted on. (In the permanent file #2010-08PB)
The Rosarios requested a three-year time frame in order to complete their project.

Chair Willeke noted that the building permit would need to be renewed as needed. A conditional approval would be added to the Notice of Decision.


Mr. Robblee  moved to approve (disapprove) the application of T/C Storage, Anthony & Carol Rosario for a Major Site Plan Review to expand an already existing mini storage business of property located on Contoocook Valley Avenue (Tax Map 232 Lot 57) in Antrim, NH, 03440, located in the Highway Business District. It was seconded by Mr. Webber.   

The following conditions apply to this approval:
Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated November 18, 2010 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.

3.  Final plans to show electrical conduit and lighting fixture location on buildings.

Scott Burnside
David Dubois
Joseph Koziell
Jesse Lazar
Andrew Robblee
Steve Schacht
Gordon Webber
CR Willeke

The application of T/C Storage is approved.  A Notice of Decision will be signed by the Chair and recorded at the Registry of Deeds.

Business Meeting:

·       Capital Improvement Program 2011-2016  -  Initial Report for input from Planning Board – The Board Members received a 4-page Excel Spreadsheet which explained the requests of the following departments: Fire Department, Police Department, Highway Department, Library, Recreation, Bridges, Conservation Commission, Transfer Station, Town Administration & Buildings.
The CIP committee had met numerous times and had discussed the proposed requests of each department. The Board reviewed the requests. The final version of the CIP Appropriations Chart (Summary) with Bond and Lease Scheduled will be finalized by Mr. Moore and available at Town Hall for resident’s review

The PB recommended that the CIP program as presented by the CIP committee should go to the Selectmen, except for the Conservation Committee request for
Acquisition of land should be $0.00.

The Planning Board thanked Mr. Haggett and Mr. Pratt for their hard work.

·       Planning Department Budget as presented to BOS 11/15/2010 – Open for  changes – Discussion short and inconclusive

·       Review of DRAFT Zoning Ordinance proposed amendments & changes
Mr. Moore had prepared a handout and potential changes, additions, amendments and deletions on numerous articles in the Antrim Zoning Ordinance.
the discussion will continue at the December 2, 2010 meeting.

·       Planning Board Member Terms – not discussed

·       Continue review of proposed new Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations – did not occur
·       SWRPC Commission Highlights – Monthly newsletter – FYI

New Business from the Floor:

At 10:00pm, Mr. Burnside moved to adjourn. Mr. Webber seconded it. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board